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Quick Views

Analyze org charts quickly with coloring options and heat maps.

Markus Meier avatar
Written by Markus Meier
Updated over a week ago

You can use the Quick Views from the Chart Menu to run ad-hoc analysis of the chart.

Done Activities

A heatmap for contact's completed CRM tasks & e-mails sent.

Open Activities

A heatmap for contact's planned CRM tasks.

Over Due Activities

Highlight all contacts with overdue activities in red.

Last Activity Date

A heatmap for the number of days since the contact's last completed CRM task or sent e-mail.

Total Deal Value

If you have assigned deals to an org-chart in vizrm you can run a heat-map report that summarizes the values of all open deals a person is related to on the chart.

Thereby giving you a fast overview of the most focal & valuable contacts in the account.


Your custom coloring scheme that is configured in the view settings.

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